Resources for Students

Resources for Students

Resources for Students

Resources for Students

Writing Fellows Courses
WCS 390: Writing Fellows I: Composition and Collaboration in Theory and Practice
Students in this course will receive theoretical and practical training to become successful Writing Fellows at Nazarbayev University. Students will explore topics related to becoming an effective writing tutor through critical inquiry of contemporary writing theories, application of pedagogical best practices, and reflection on praxis. Students will engage in peer tutoring to develop practical strategies to help them better understand the role of a tutor in a writing center. Students will cultivate an understanding of how collaborative learning enriches the writing process, shapes a writers’ identity, and helps to create a writer’s voice. The course also prepares students to investigate a research topic in preparation for conducting original research in WCS 391 and WCS 392.
Prerequisite: WCS 150 (B or higher) AND one of the following Core 2 Writing Courses with a B+ or higher: WCS 210, WCS 220, WCS 230, WCS 240, WCS 250.
This course counts as a Humanities or a Social Science course.
To see a sample syllabus for this course, click here
WCS 391: Writing Fellows II: Practicum in Composition and Collaboration
In this second course in the Writing Fellows sequence, students will apply the knowledge they have gained in WCS 390 to support student writers in the Nazarbayev University community. They will serve as peer writing tutors for specific courses, participate in weekly seminar meetings to discuss their tutoring and learning, and stay current on writing center research. In addition to tutoring, students will design and conduct original research. They will be assessed based on portfolios that include documents related to peer tutoring consultations, critical self-reflections of tutoring practices, and a research project.
Prerequisite: WCS 390 (B or higher).
This course counts as a Humanities or a Social Science course.
To see a sample syllabus for this course, click here
WCS 392: Writing Fellows III: Research and Practice in Writing and Peer Mentorship
In this third and optional course in the Writing Fellows sequence, students will continue to explore topics in critical Writing Center pedagogy and theory. They will have the opportunity to continue working as writing tutors embedded in specific courses. They will also continue to develop their collaborative identities by mentoring new Writing Fellows in their first year of study and practice. Finally, students will continue to conduct original research on specific topics in Writing Center research, which they may present at specialized conferences or submit for publication in a specialized journal.
Prerequisite: WCS 391 (B or higher).
This course counts as a Humanities or a Social Science course.
To see a sample syllabus for this course, click here