Resources for Students

Resources for Students

Resources for Students

Resources for Students

For Faculty:
Information & Resources
Writing and Communication Courses
The Writing Center Program currently runs 21 courses related to Communication, Writing, and Writing Fellows training.
Click the links below to see the full catalog for each category:
Writing Center Tutorials​
Writing Center Tutorials are essentially one-on-one sessions with a writing center instructor. These tutorials are perhaps best described as "discussions" focusing on a piece of writing or a writing project. The feedback you receive from the instructor will help you move to the next stage of your writing.
Tutorials are typically 45 minutes long, and may focus on a number of different aspects of your writing.
Clients can book one session per week.
Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all writing tutorials are currently held online.
To schedule an appointment, go to our Online Scheduling System.
If you have not visited the Writing Center before, you will first need to create an account (the process takes less than a minute), after which you can view all appointment times.
Please note that clients who miss two scheduled appointments will automatically be blocked from making further appointments for the duration of the semester.
Seminars, Webinars, and Workshops
Writing Center Seminars, Webinars, and Workshops are designed to get writers started on their writing projects and help them successfully navigate the writing process. Seminars and Webinars are generally one hour in length while workshops may run between one and two hours.
Announcements and reminders are emailed to all students and faculty in advance, along with a registration link for those interested in taking part.
Please Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and measures to contain the virus, WCP Seminars are currently being conducted online.
For more, see:
Writers on Writing: WC (Video) Podcasts
In this series of video podcasts, Lori Enns, SSH Writing Center Director interviews academics across the disciplines about their writing lives. The discussions have two objectives: 1) to demystify the similarities and differences between writing genres and 2) to shed light on the human side of writing.
WCP Blog/Vlog
The WCP Blog is intended as a shared forum among NU faculty and students, on various topics related to the Writing Center Program, teaching, and the development of writing skills.
To view all posts click here.
To submit a post, contact the web-page moderator: shane.coates@nu.edu.kz
Submission Guidelines
Blog posts can cover a range of subject areas including:
Thoughts on writing instruction pedagogy
Suggestions for in-class activities
Solutions to perceived issues
Life as an instructor (beyond teaching and grading papers)
Other academic interests
Regarding Length
Submissions should be long enough to have substance, but not so long as to be unappealing.
For blog posts we recommend between 400 and 500 words
For videos we recommend anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes. Please upload your video to YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook and send us the link along with with a brief synopsis.
Please note: The moderator reserves the right to refuse publication of any material that is construed as intentionally hostile to any particular individual or group of people, or that is inappropriate to the context and intention of this website.